Saturday 10 January 2015

Shahi Tukda Recipe

Recently, I ate Shahi Tukda in our College's Café and it was awesome, so i decided to Try at my Own, and concluded with this Simple recipe!

The Shahi Tukda Recipe is a simple sweet dish made with bread, milk, nuts and spices. It is a quick and easy dessert option when you are having unexpected guests over or even as a way to satiate
your sweet tooth on any given day.


1 litre milk
4 slices bread, each cut into 4 smaller triangles
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup ghee
1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon saffron (optional)
2 pods cardamom almonds and pistachios, finely chopped


*To begin with, we will make the Rabri for the dish by boiling the milk in a heavy bottomed sauce pan on medium heat.

*Boil the milk till it is reduced to 1/4 of
the original quantity stirring occasionally.

*Once reduced in quantity, add in the sugar and cardamom to the milk and stir well until the sugar is dissolved.

*Once the sugar dissolves and the milk comes to a boil, turn off the heat and allow the milk to cool down a bit.

*Now we will proceed to make the sugar syrup. In a heavy bottomed sauce pan boil together about half cup of sugar in half cup water and add in the saffron
to it. Keep stirring until all the sugar dissolves and the water comes to a boil.

*Once the sugar syrup comes to a boil ; turn the heat to low and simmer the syrup until it reaches a single thread consistency.

*Next, in a medium sized pan, pour in the ghee and shallow fry the bread pieces till they turn light brown and crisp on both sides.

*Once the bread is crip, soak the fried bread slices in the prepared sugar syrup for about half a minute and place them in a serving platter.

*Pour the prepared rabri over the bread pieces and garnish with almonds and pistachios. Serve immediately or Serve Chilled!

*Some people also like to do 'Silver Work' on it, but I haven't! So that's up to you!

*Enjoy Cooking, Eat Tasty! :)

*Don't Forget to like our FB page

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